- Accredited Print Reporters & Photographers
- Accredited Internet Reporters
- Accredited Radio Reporters
- Accredited Television Reporters and Camera Operators
- Sanctioning Body Public Relations Representatives
- Accepted Credential Requests are Non-Transferable
Media & Public Relations Representatives must be:
- Bona-fide employees of the assigning media outlet or sanctioning body
- Currently covered under the Workman’s Compensation policy of the assigning media outlet or sanctioning body
- 18 years of age or older
- Completed using online form below
- Submitted by a publisher, station manager, editor, or other executive
- Received prior to the credential request deadline.
- Touring and Special Event Date credential requests need to be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the race date.
- NASCAR Saturday Night credential request need to be submitted at least 1 week prior to the race date.
- Inclued published pre promotion
Media outlets and sanctioning bodies may request multiple events and representatives.
Requests will be evaluated on an individual basis.
- Media Credentials will be emailed to you. Seekonk Speedway no longer uses sign in sheets for media.
- A valid PHOTO ID must be presented for verification
- No one under the age of 18 years old will be credentialed by Seekonk Speedway
- A waiver must be signed before credentials can be issued.
- Professional attire is required
- No tank or crop tops
- No open-toed shoes or sandals
- Seekonk Speedway may determine, in the best interest of the sport, that certain attire is unsuitable.
Fill out my online form.